Holy Cow, it's been FOREVER since I have blogged! Things were crazy for a while and I didn't have time to do much of anything! For a few months, Lillian decided that napping wasn't her thing, and she would only take two 25-minute naps a day. Then she was really fussy from being tired. There were times I felt like I was going to lose my mind! But, now she's napping at least two hours a day AND sleeping 10 hours straight at night!
So, because this is a CF blog, I will start with a CF update. I had a clinic appointment in November and everything is still looking good: No change in PFTs (FEV1 was around 110%) and my cultures were still clear. I did catch a cold last month and developed a sinus infection that spread to a small Staph skin infection on the tip of my nose, but that's cleared up thanks to antibiotics.
Postpartum recovery has been a bit challenging, though. I am having a hard time recovering from childbirth and have to go to physical therapy every week and spend 10 minutes a day doing exercises to fix the problem.
I also developed plantar fasciitis in my right foot and have been making lots of trips to the podiatrist and have had to cut way back on cardio, which is driving me crazy! Back in November the podiatrist taped up my foot and I developed this horrible allergic rash that made me want to claw my skin off and required two weeks of prednisone just so the itching wouldn't drive me insane :/
I am still in shock that I didn't get sick from all the sleep deprivation I endured!
In Lillian news, she is doing GREAT. A little before seven months really was a turning point for us, as far as fussiness was concerned. Now she is soooooooo happy!!! It is so easy to make her smile and she loves to babble and yell and laugh. Greg and I are having so much fun with her.
She's a little peanut, with a height in the 20 percentile and a weight in the 30th percentile, but I'm not surprised considering Greg and I are fairly petite people. She has pretty advanced fine motor skills - she loves to sit and play with toys and is good at picking up small objects - but she is a bit behind with her gross motor skills. At the beginning of December, her doctor was concerned about the muscle tone in her arms. The doctor said that we had to do lots of tummy time for a month, and, if she wasn't considerably stronger, she needed to see a neurologist. Luckily, Lillian saw the doctor a few weeks ago, and the doctor was happy with her progress :)
So there is a quick and dirty update :) I promise I am going to try to blog more. Hopefully I will have some pictures in my next post!
{eight year well child}
7 years ago