So, today is my birthday, and it not starting off to be a good day. First, I coughed up blood last night. It was a blob a bit larger than a nickle, which is the most blood I have ever brought up in my life. Needless to say, I am freaked out and am calling my doctor the second 8:00 rolls around. I slept like crap last night because of this, so now I am exhausted too.
Secondly, I can't even stay home and rest because I have a horrendous meeting to go to first thing. I don't want to get into my job too much, but, the whole point of this meeting is because my client is pissed at some people who work for the state, so he wants me to "lay down the law" - i.e. get into an argument with them. It's going to be me against a room full of old men. This is not why I wanted to become an engineer. I just want to sit at my desk and play with numbers!
Thirdly, I am so, so, so disappointed in my home state of Maine this morning. I almost started crying when I saw the election results, and I still feel sick to my stomach and like crying :(
{eight year well child}
7 years ago
I had never coughed up blood in my life but I coughed up some when I was pregnant as well. My doc said it was ok as long as it wasn't straight blood. And didn't last long.
I don't have CF so needless to say, I don't know what you're going through. Just wanted to say that pregnancy does weird stuff to your body. I had never had a bloody nose in my life but had one almost every day of my second trimester. I hope your doc can put your mind at ease.
Aw, I'm so sorry. I hope your day gets better!
Happy birthday Kristen. Sorry your day is off to a bad start but hopefully it will get better!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I know that it seems like a lot of blood, but just know that coughing up blood is never really an issue unless you can't get it all out of your lungs. My docs generally don't worry unless it's a cup at a time. Nevertheless, sorry it happened to you and I will pray that it's not a big deal :)
I hope everything turns out ok for you - please keep us posted!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY hun! I hope your day got better as it went on and you were able to talk to the doctor.
Happy Birthday sweetie! Hopefully it went uphill from here.
Happy Birthday!! I hope that your day got better and you are feeling better too!! xoxo
I'm a little bit late, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! Hope everything works out and your mind is at ease soon! :)
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