Thursday, May 21, 2009

Clinic Visit Today

FEV1 = 115%. OGTT was normal. Lost one pound. Everyone feels sad for me. The end.


Maeghan said...


Life. Complicated. said...

I am so sorry for your loss!

Amy said...

I'm so sorry hun. You're in my prayers

Lindsay said...


Amy said...

I'm not sure how I found your blog but have just been catching up on my regular blog "stalking" and somehow found yours. I know sorry doesn't get it...I've been through this twice before at 10 weeks and 14 weeks, 3 years ago. It sucks and is difficult waiting around for "it" to finally happen. Thankfully I was at home when my body finally decided to start the process. Both times it took about a 4-5 days after I found out that the babies had died for the miscarriage to take place. There are really no comforting words when someone goes through this. I'll be thinking of you over the next several days and hoping for better days ahead.


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