Monday, August 3, 2009

What I Learned Today

Clomid can cause false positives on OPKs. So, that is probably, (and hopefully), why it was positive this morning. My RE said he wants to wait until tomorrow for the u/s, as scheduled. So, that's good! Still, I will feel better tomorrow morning when I see that my temp go down to the pre-O range, (it is up right now, but Clomid does that to me). My RE's office probably thinks I'm super paranoid!


Shannon said...

I remember that about Clomid (the false positives) I am so glad you talked to your RE and got some good info. Im thinking about you this cycle!

Unknown said...

Well, maybe you wouldn't be paranoid if they 1. Didn't screw up the last cycle and 2. Didn't have idiots answering the phone. Good luck!

Nikki Godbee said...

Good luck Hun! I have given up with OPKs. I think all the drugs screw them up anyway.

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