The only others symptoms I have been experiencing are some fatigue, (which is probably at least partly caused by the aching hips), and worsened acid reflux, (fun times with pukey burps :P). I did have morning sickness during the first trimester, but it is gone (I am going to write an entire post about that). My stress level has increased - being in bed by 9:30, upping my vesting, and having a horrible commute (not PG-related) has cut out whatever little free time I used to have during the workweek. However, there’s no way I would trade any of this to go back to the pre-pregnancy days, and I feel very lucky to have been healthy and to have had so few symptoms! ::knock on wood::
I started spotting again, so my
Wow! I can't believe we already made it to 2nd tri! 1st tri really did go by quickly, and I can't believe that now it's okay to spread the news. I'm still nervous about things, but I don't know how much longer I am going to be able to hide this little belly from work. I think people are already wondering. We are going to wait until next week to tell extended family so that I can tell my mom’s side of the family when I see them in person. That should be fun!
I've been a very bad blogger lately. The first trimester fatigue has made me very lazy. It hasn't been horrible, though. On most days, I wake up feeling fine and am able to get through most of the workday without a problem. But once three or four o'clock hits, WHAM, I am soooo tired! As a result, I haven't been good about working out. Between the fatigue, bleeding scares, and being sick, I've probably been exercising 30% of what I normally do. Hopefully, I will be able to pick it up again when that rumored second tri energy kicks in. I really don't like missing my workouts because I believe they are a big part of the reason my lung function is so high!
So, bleeding scares: I had another one on Friday. I have been suffering from a yeast infection most of 1st tri, so, about 10 days ago, I decided to use some of that over the counter cream, (after getting my doctor's okay, of course). Each morning, after I used the cream, I would experience some bleeding. It didn't worry me because I figured the cream was just irritating my cervix. I mentioned it to the doctor at my 12w4d u/s, and he confirmed that everything was okay. But, then it started again on Friday afternoon, and I had no explanation. No sex, no vaginal u/s, nothing. I called my
Oh, and I would like to end this post with some good news: My sputum culture from November 5th came back with NOTHING in it!!! Just normal flora. I know that there could be a small amount of Staph or PA hiding out deep in my lungs, but it’s exciting news nonetheless
For now, Greg and I agree that we are switching REs if this cycle doesn’t work. And, we are leaning towards at least trying Femara. It’s less expensive, and there is a lower risk of HOM compared with injectibles. And, although the RE gave us those pretty crappy odds, Greg and I just can’t stop thinking, if it is just a CM issue, a natural IUI should give us odds similar to a “normal” couple TTC on their own – which would be 20%, not 4%. And if Femara would help up that a little bit more, great. Plus, we did get pregnant on our own without injectibles, so we should be able to do it again!
Prescriptions | Type | Quantity | Plan pays | Your estimated cost | |
Colistimethate Sodium Vial 150MG | Refill | 1 Rx | $2725.12 | $20.00 | |
Albuterol Sulfate Inh Soln 0.083% | Refill | 1 Rx | $73.65 | $20.00 | |
Hyper-sal Inhalant Solution 7% | Refill | 1 Rx | $118.26 | $50.00 |
ARRRRRRGHHHHHHH!!!! I am so freaking pissed off right now. Guess what we learned at the u/s this morning? I already ovulated!!! So the IUI is canceled AGAIN. WTF body??? Screw you. I am here at work trying not to cry.
To top things off, Oing this early most likely means our next IUI might fall right when I am supposed to be in Maine visiting my family at the end of the month, so I may have to cancel that trip. Now I am hoping for another long LP.
My RE was apologetic and said he wants to lower my clomid dose to 50mg and take it CD3-7 instead of CD5-9. He said it looks like my body is "overreacting" to the clomid. He also said he will never assume a false positive OPK again, and he will have me come in right away in the future.
The only silver lining is that we did have good timing with the sex this cycle, and the u/s showed I may have had two follies this time (because he could see a corpus luteum on my left side and fluid on my right side). So we may still have a slight chance.
But still, I cannot believe that it will be at least 4 months in between IUIs. I thought we'd have two IUIs in by now, and we were telling our families that we'd mostly likely be PG again by Sept. But no, I still sitting here with no hope. I fucking hate IF.
I am so pissed because I told my RE that I sometimes O as early as CD13 (which is today). But, I was trying to trust the doctor. He apologized and said, "Next time we will do the u/s on CD13" and I said, "TODAY is CD13, wouldn't that be too late?” He replied "Oh yeah. CD12 next time." ::headdesk::
To top things off, thanks to my yeast infection, Greg and I haven't had sex since Friday, which means there's not much hope of it happening on our own, (not that I have much hope for that even with good timing). I asked him to come home ASAP so we could give it one more try. The RE said there is a slight chance of still getting sperm to meet egg, but not enough to warrant spending the $$$ to do an IUI today.
I am so freaking sick of this. I just started sobbing when I got into my car. I want to at least be trying again. I feel completely empty and hopeless. I can't stand to hear from my pregnant friends anymore and I have been isolating myself. The fact that we were about to have hope again had made me feel so much better, and maybe I could come out of the woodwork again. And now it's gone and I have to wait another month. God, I am almost freaking 33. I want to have two children, separately. Not only am I racing against the biological clock, I am racing against the health clock. I feel like things are slowly slipping away from me, and I am going to be stuck going to a job that I hate to pay for IF when all I want to do is be a SAHM.
Oh, and here's the lesson part of my post, in case anyone is interested: During the u/s the first thing the RE did was comment on how great my lining looked - 8.5 mm, up from 6.5 mm last clomid cycle. I have been taking baby aspirin, and he agreed that it had definitely helped. Then he went to my lead follicle and comments on how "hazy" it looked, which meant it had just ovulated or was about to ovulated. He also said the follicle tends to shrink a bit right before/after ovulation, which explains why it only measured 17mm. Then he checked for fluid in the abdominal cavity: fluid = already ovulated. And there was fluid there. So, that's that.